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Tentang Penderitaan, Perubahan, & Pertumbuhan

Kehilangan, kematian, ketidakadilan, dan kesengsaraan adalah sebagian dari pengalaman hidup yang akan dijalani setiap makhluk; terlepas dari manusia. Kita sebagai manusia telah mengalami berbagai macam bentuk penderitaan, dari rasa sakit ketika jatuh sampai dengan rasa sakit yang tidak berbekas dan kasat mata. Tentu saja kita ingin menghindar dari pengalaman tersebut, dan bagi mereka yang memiliki rasa simpati yang tinggi, untuk orang lain. Hening dan hangat kasih sayang merupakan pengalaman paling awal yang pernah kita rasakan untuk pertama kalinya; dalam kandungan....

May 30, 2024 Â· 2 min Â· 388 words Â· Anugerah

Boredom often Found Among Tired Souls

The title is an excerpt from an Indonesian song called “Intermezzo” by legendary artist Iwan Fals, translated into English. This is the actual lyric Bosan kadang singgah di jiwa yang lelah This kind of lyricism is rare in the Indonesian music scene, most of them exist within a religious context, not spiritually. There is seldom Indonesian music that deals with existentialism that much, so it’s very reassuring to find one. I am not saying that the entirety of the song talks about existentialism or its philosophy, it also includes social observation; which is identical to Iwan Fals’ songwriting....

May 27, 2024 Â· 3 min Â· 443 words Â· Anugerah

Balada Jas Berwarna

Jalanmu angkuh Seperti tak acuh Merasa paling hepi Tapi kau keki Tuan paling berbekal dan pintar Tapi sayang, irama tuan jauh dari gitar Kau hanyalah pribadi yang berpangkat Kenyataanya kau tak berakal dan berbakat Bukan pertunjukan teater dan sinema Engkau malah ingin dijelma Hatimu kosong Otakmu gosong Engkau seperti Doberman yang hanya bisa menggongong Sumbu pendek Tuan bengek Disentil sedikit kau ngamuk Dasar nyamuk! Silahkan saja tuan bermain peran Tapi jangan marah Apabila banyak yang bosan Mendengar tuan ceramah Tuan hanya bisa bertameng pangkat dan umur Itu tandanya tuan sudah tidak subur Maka masuklah tuan ke liang kubur

April 30, 2024 Â· 1 min Â· 98 words Â· Anugerah

What and where are you writing now?

This post was originally posted on Bearblog. Check it out for more weekly content! Earth is such a gigantic place. Some marvel at its vast sight of cultures, traditions, tribes, cities, and fishes. Although grandeur in appearance and diverse in content, most people have spent their entire lives within a particular place — a village or city. It’s a choice; to move around or not. Either way, we’ll find something to write about (only if we have the required amount of vocabulary needed)....

April 26, 2024 Â· 3 min Â· 493 words Â· Anugerah

Break Free from Algorithms: How RSS Feeds Promote Healthier Content Consumption

The internet has provided us with the ability to answer our curiosities. The abundance of information had been a blessing for us. However, as time passed, there came a problem concerning information overload. In accordance with the former — content overload has also become a thing, especially with content-oriented platforms like Facebook, X, Instagram, and YouTube. Consequently, they will try to somehow push these contents to their audience by using some kind of “dealer”....

April 19, 2024 Â· 5 min Â· 908 words Â· Anugerah

A Man Flew

A man with a great deal of honesty will fly as high as the sky; shine as bright as the sun; sink as deep as the void; and lived chronologically.

April 8, 2024 Â· 1 min Â· 30 words Â· Anugerah

Moving on...

Yes, that’s right — I have a new blog. However, this page will still be maintained. And it will serve as my landing page. So, what about this new blog? Well, this new blog will have weekly posts, and it is called “Factory Garden” — nice place for me to put out writings that are not too long and well thought out. In addition, the blog is VERY minimalistic, and I encourage you to check it out!...

March 18, 2024 Â· 1 min Â· 103 words Â· Anugerah

I Love Bear ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

Essentially and initially, the internet is used to store information. This information is then stored on a website and displayed using a Markup language like HTML. Thereafter, people started writing about a bunch of things on their own personal website. These websites are known as blogs. Before the dawn of big social media like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, there was an abundance of blogs scattered around the internet. Blogs are not social media because they’re not centralized like mainstream social media....

February 16, 2024 Â· 4 min Â· 743 words Â· Anugerah

Streaming is the New “Café” for writers

People, writers, often go outside to write. Most of them prefer to do so because it offers a place for them to solely — and vehemently, focus on their writing. Surprisingly, in this day and age, people have started to find alternatives to keep themselves busy without the option of going places; physically. Not only writers, people occasionally find streaming as a place for doing any kind of productivity; drawing, painting, etc....

February 16, 2024 Â· 3 min Â· 588 words Â· Anugerah

Writing is Introverted

I believe the activity of writing to be an introverted one. Thereby, you need to absolutely manifest whatever it is in your unconscious mind into the stream of consciousness, which results in a series of words. Well, people can also argue that every kind of activity that requires focus needs focus — wow! So, I am saying the obvious? Not really. I am writing on the account of this book by Guy Claxton: Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind....

February 8, 2024 Â· 1 min Â· 205 words Â· Anugerah