Unbeknownst to them, all of their life were spent on their livelihood. So, it means that they have decided, [un]conciously, to live by it. It is a distraction, big enough to forget all about the pain and suffering. Consequently, to keep this illusion going, for the collective, they have decided to coined a term: The Expert. No different than those politicians, experts are puppet masters who designed the play; the game; and the world. They cannot keep on living with the knowledge or idea that their livelihood was full of shit - no, the expert will design a structure; a rule. Thereby, they’ll all be happy. They have a purpose - well, they like to call it that, but I call it a distraction. Do you, perhaps, indulge yourself in this manner? Well, I certainly do. I hate it. I fucking despise it. I can’t help but kept getting fed by it.